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Public Acclamations
21. 2012-13 本校畢業生黃翠螢同學獲香港嶺南大學持續進修學院榮獲嘉許狀
22. 2012-13 Hong Kong Baptist Universiry List of students with Academic Honours
23. 2011-12 本校譚嘉琪同學獲得「成功有約」屯門區青少年自我挑戰及獎勵計劃
24. 2011-12 4H Tan Jia Qi elected Distinguished Student of Tuen Mun District
25. 2010-11 HK Baptist University list of students with academic honours
26. The 3rd time awarded the Outstanding Caring School
27. Honour Award for Ms. Choi Wan Chi on promoting to Lingnan Institute of Further Education
28. The HK University of Science and Technology School of Engineering Dean’s List Award
29. Dean’s Award for Mr. Lee Tak Kin on promoting to Lingnan Institute of Further Education
30. Mr. Yung Ka Chun promoting to HK Polytechnic Unversity, granted the Industrial and Systematic Engineering Scholarship
31. Mr. Chow Ka Ho promoting to HK IVE, granted the CN Departmental Fund Scholarship
32. Ms. Lee Ka Kei promoting to HK Baptist University with distinugished academic performance
33. Ms. Chan Hiu Wa promoting to HKU associate degree with good academic resutls and granted the HKU Space Alumnae Grant.
34. Mr. Law Hung Fai and Mr. Lee Tak Kin promoting to Lingnan University with Honours Award
35. Ms. Lui Sin Yu promoting to HK Polytechnic University and granted the Boarding Students Scholarship
36. Ms. To Yan Yee promoting to HK Polytechnic University and gratned the Boarding Students Sholardship
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